
The Sounds of Taiwan

Rti 央廣精選多年來收錄的臺灣庶民生活、民俗節慶、旅遊、人文自然聲音,首度推出有聲音的桌曆,作為Rti迎接97周年臺慶的獻禮。以臺灣溫暖的人情味和在地的聲音,陪伴您探索這片土地的自由與美好,共同迎向2025年精彩的每一天。

Rti has carefully selected the sounds from everyday life in Taiwan, including folk festivals, travel, and the island’s rich cultural and natural heritage over the years. To celebrate Rti’s 97th anniversary, we proudly present our first-ever audio calendar. Let the warmth of Taiwan’s people and the unique local sounds accompany you as you explore the freedom and beauty of this land, welcoming each wonderful day of 2025 together.